Scholarship Application

The Corpus Christi of the American Petroleum Institute strives to give back to the community through the financial support of potential and current university students via annual, renewable undergraduate academic scholarships. Each year, thanks to the hard work and dedication of its members and generous industry donations, the Corpus Christi API is able to offer a select number of scholarships to students in undergraduate degree programs. The application is open to all potential and current undergraduate students planning to or currently attending an accredited post-secondary institution. Membership and participation in our local API chapter is strongly encouraged, but not required for receipt of a scholarship.

New applications are accepted one per year during the fall semester for the Corpus Christi API scholarship program. Please submit all required information and documents to the address on the letterhead above no later than July 1st. Applications missing any of the required information will not be processed. In addition, those who fail to submit this information in a timely manner will not be eligible to receive an award for the upcoming academic year and will only be eligible for re-application in the following year.

Recipients of the scholarship receive their awards on a semester-to-semester basis. Scholarship recipients must submit their spring (deadline June 1st) and fall semester (deadline January 1st) grades and fall by deadlines.

Download form here